Monday, January 10, 2011

And It's On To The Sequel!

That's right, kids.
i'm done with ANOTHER novel. (That's 3.) it's off to the editor. (That's Joelle.)
i can't wait until she reads the end. HEHEHEHEHE.
anyway, i have TWO MORE to work on, now.
One is a sequel to the Greek God story i just finished. Set in New York City. with the lovely Hermes again, front and center. (Really. even I'M impressed with his character. like, legit, he's the best thing i've ever written.)
Then i want to write... well... something uber cliched. i want the plot to be dreadfully, absolutely cliched. because i have some marvelous characters that can make it awesome. it might end up being a short story, or even just a character study/development for me, but... i'm going to work on it.
but i have my opening scene for the sequel in my head already, so i've really got to go work.
so, quick updates.
i've started all my classes. English, Econ, Anthropology, and Emergence were today. Tomorrow, after babysitting, is Psychology. I'm excited. But, of the four professors i've met, all seem really nice and awesome and funny and like i will like them a lot.
that worries me...
is my Psychology teacher going to be a total nutcase? are the teachers i think are awesome going to turn out to be cuckoo for cocoa puffs? Because i'd be sad about that.
Another interesting thing. i've finally decided i'm excited, so i'll share.
I'm going to China on a mission trip.
not my choice, it's God's.
i'm actually still pretty nervous about it. updates on this thing to follow. :D
anyway, i'm off to write. LOVE YOU!

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