Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dear Mr. Joshua Shank, Sir.

I felt it was a good post title for getting your attention.
So, i totally JUST got your blog comment from, you know, August.
Please know that i was NOT ignoring you. i WILL make excuses, so bear with it. heading to college, moving, Gypsy, i'm sleepy, work, it was the gnomes, and oh, yeah, i haven't been on here in months.
although, i'm sure you already knew that i wasn't ignoring you, since i'm your stalker. ;D
anyway, if you still need Spring, i have it. i need to send the file, though, and it won't upload to this. i'm so technologically illiterate. -sigh-

My frantic search for it included such phrases as "OHMYSTARS, WHY DO I ALWAYS PUT THINGS I WANT TO KEEP SAFE SO I CAN FIND THEM AGAIN IN PLACES I CAN NEVER FIND AGAIN?!" and "Gypsy, i'm so sorry i hit you with a piano stand, i didn't mean to!" and "WHY DO I HAVE A BUNCH OF DISKS THAT ARE NOT LABELED?" and "Where... where did that come from? uhm... Right..." and "I'm never moving again." (which is a total lie.)

to everyone else, i totally just remembered that i had just dyed my hair for this(back when i dyed my hair. it's a normal person color now...)... and it's RED! hehehe. it's like, blond, brunette, blond, blond, OMGRED! and it makes me laugh.

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