Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ouran High School Host Club

Awesome show. like, totally awesome. i love Hikaru Hitachiin with all my heart, soul, and body. he and i would get married. Kaoru and i would be friends, of course, but Hikaru and i would be the best couple since the dawn of time.
(You know, when God was like, "Hey, Jesus. Hey... Hey... -pokes- Let's make some people in our own image, get them to multiply -raises eyebrows suggestively- and then teach them a bunch of different languages, split them up, and see how it goes. doesn't that sound like fun?" and Jesus was like, "I have a sense of foreboding... like, because of this, i'm going to get hurt or something... weird, huh?" and God was like, "Funny... i feel the same way..." and they stood around talking about this feeling until The Holy Spirit pointed out they're the same person, and maybe when they made these people, only have of them should stand around talking about their emotions or no work would get done. hence men.)
THE POINT IS! that i love Ouran High School Host Club. and Mandi and i hate people who blog about their problems. (i mean, like seriously? oh, my little emo bloggers, you piss me off.) Honestly, who wants to read about your crappy day? about how much you hate so and so? and, God forbid (which i'm totally convinced he does), how no one ever pays any attention to you. all in your bad spelling and fail sentences that would make even the most hardened editor weep. (Yes, i'm speaking to you, but in a loving, Jesus kind of way. i just have to point out that if you can't spell a word, i recommend you a) look it up or b) don't use it!)
Anyway. While we were talking about bloggers, we noted the fact that humorous blogs are the exception. if it's funny, rant about it online so that all of your friends can giggle, and you won't ever forget it.
This led to a decision. WE CREATED A BLOG TOGETHER! dun dun duuuuuuuun.
We're using Ouran names, i'm Kaoru and Mandi is Tamaki. super. happy. face.
and now i'm going to go befriend my own blog. woot woot! i hope i find it humorous in the future. :D

until later,

Lafaera, (the future Mrs. Hikaru Hitachiin <3)