Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tom. Has. Never. Seen. Mulan.

i might have already told you that. but i was in such a state of shock when i discovered it, that i can't remember.
oh well. i'm fixing it. Tom and Ray and i got ice cream, and we're watching it.
except that, see...
my curfew is 10. (Well, it's really more their curfew than mine. it's my parents rule that on school nights everyone is out by 10.)
that's twenty minutes from now, kids.
and Ben has this idea that he's my father, or something, because i've been listening to him upstairs, telling my mother that he's going to come down and throw the boys out.
(he's really pissing me off. =])
anywaay... i sent my book to Paige. (the one i'm working on right now.) i don't know if she's even started it yet, but it's really a step in the right direction for me, you know? i mean... i only let, like, Joelle read my books. (although Jo's college friends apparently borrowed her copy of Confession of Pain to read. i don't remember if i asked what they thought, i think i was too scared. hehe.)
it's about Greek gods. (i've always had kind of a thing for Greek gods. they're pretty cool.)
i went shopping yesterday, and i got new shoes. they're the tallest shoes i own now. they're black and white striped wedges. (but it's okay that they're super, super tall, because i'm still not taller than Ray. i hate being taller than, like, Ben, and Dad, and Ray. Micah's okay, he's supposed to be shorter than me. but depending on who i'm going somewhere with, like, if i go hang out with Jacob, or Jaa, or people like that, i adjust my shoes accordingly.)
speaking of Jacob, he's in basic or whatnot. i miss him already. -super sad face- i think i'll write to him--not that he'll write back. but my aunt gave me his address down there, so i figure i might as well write. =]
Ashley Z. and i went shopping for her wedding dress. (i forgot to get a picture of it on my phone. i meant to get a picture and put it up, but it slipped my mind when i saw her in the dress. she looked gorgeous.) she didn't go traditional wedding dress, since she's just having a super super tiny wedding, like, justice of the peace style wedding. (although, they're getting married at the church now. yay!) anyway, the dress she chose was purple with flowers all over it, and really light. a nice summer dress. she looked splendid. i completely adore her. :)
other exciting events? hold on, silly, i'm thinking.
Finale. did i tell you about that? oh well, doesn't matter. it went really well. especially since we had barely worked on our music, you know? oh well. it was fun. i cried, but only because Ashley Shuff... and Mrs. Stainbrook were crying, and they were RIGHT NEXT TO ME. -grumbles-
Jo's in Kansas. she'll be back, soon, though.
two more days of school left!
my grandparents are back from Georgia. (celebrate!)
my mommy broke her leg.
(someone is on crutches in our house and IT'S NOT ME!)
although, it's not really very happy. see, she hurt herself, and then she decided to jog on her injured leg. (hello, stress fracture!) poor mommy. she really, really despises her crutches, too. she has big bruises on her arms, like, the insides, from where the crutches rub against it. it pretty much sucks.
Calvary had their youth sunday, i'll tell you about that tomorrow. i managed to attempt knocking a ladder on my head and i cut my thumb. (now that's talent, ladies and gents.)
Lissa's bridal shower was today. i hung out with Max. (he's so stinking cute!)
oh, yeah. Tuesday is our LAST PRACTICE. -super sad face- (soccer, btw.)
and Saturday is our last game. i'm going to miss these kids so much!
(also, Brock got 1) thrown to the ground by one of my players, 2) tripped, and 3) smashed his head against the ground. it was not a good game for him. but he was a real trooper, for a 5 year old, and kept playing. i think he might be my favorite on the team. well... Max might be first. but that's required.)
can't think of anything else i've done lately that's interesting. and i'm starting to have trouble typing, so it's time to sleep. night!


P.S. Ray used his feet to pick up my mountain dew. feet are gross. i hate feet. why do people have feet. isn't it fortunate that we have cute shoes? isn't it odd that i thoroughly despise feet, and yet i love shoes so much? whatever. i'm going to sleep. night!