Monday, February 1, 2010

So... Tired...

Heavens above. i'm so ridiculously tired.
Now, some people get silly when they're tired. and some people get mad. and some people curl up in a little ball and refuse to even look at you. and some people get very serious.
not me.
i go through very distinct phases.
i start out just feeling sleepy, and maybe i drag my feet a little bit.
then i start almost falling asleep places.
then, once i get passed normal, average tired, i get ridiculously silly.
then i'm practically drunk. seriously, i'm not joking. EVERYTHING is so funny i almost cry, and if i'm not super careful, i'll say dumb things.
and then, dear reader, i suddenly get very, very serious. nothing is funny. i do not joke.
today, i think i'm just tired. but really, really tired. i need to sleep.