Sunday, December 6, 2009

Just Real Super Quick...

so, as you know, i stalk... ahem... read Joshua Shank's blog. and when i pulled it up yesterday, the title was
Spring has sprung.
so, tomorrow, at school, if i run up to you and wiggle my hands a lot and make excited faces and little squeaks of unintelligible noises, or i scream, "JOSHUASHANKFINISHEDOURPIECEANDNOWHE'SGOINGTOCOMEHEREAND
MEETJOSHUASHANKAND... -hugs innocent bystander-"
what i'm trying to say is, "Gee, i just found out Joshua Shank finished that piece for us, and i'm kinda stoked. catch you later. whoops, didn't mean to hug you, i tripped. It's the boot. my apologies."
so don't be freaked out. just smile and nod and get away fast. :D

Things i'm thankful for...
1) Joshua Shank. 'nuff said. :D aaaaand <3 <3 <3 (triple the hearts, triple the love.)
2) Trans Siberian Orchestra. Jimminy Christmas, i love them. and Mattie just sent me their new CD. i could kiss him.
3) For that matter, Mattie. he's a great friend. even if he tries to get me to do new, horrifying things, like tell the guy i like that i like him.
"Come on, Caitie, try something new." jerk. but no, seriously, i love him. he's always there for me when i need him. and even though he's goofy and acts kinda immature most of the time, he gives the best advice ever. and he's a sweetheart.
4) My blue blanket. Danielle gave it to me for Christmas, like, last year? year before? i don't remember, but it keeps me warm and i sleep with it every night. it'd probably make the normal person sweat in their sleep, because i have...
blue blanket, animal blanket, white blanket, different blue blanket, comforter...
but it keeps my chilly, chilly feet mostly warm.
5) Caleb. He kind of... well, he's a jerk. but he makes me laugh more than a lot of people, and even when he's being stupid and telling me i'll never get married and stuff (which he may or may not mean... hehe)... he also does random nice stuff. and i know i'll get an honest answer from him when i ask him a serious question, which is really important to me. and when i'm upset, he knows when to snap me out of it. not make me feel better, or comfort me, just tell me that it's time to suck it up and move on when it is. and that's important to me.