Saturday, December 5, 2009


The good news first. i have a candy cane. i gosh dang love these things. they are so delicious. oh, and Micah gave me a cute little plastic blue and green lizard, and i have to choose a name for him. he's kind of freakin adorable. i love lizards, and i really want one. but i can't get one unless i have no other pets, and i REALLY don't want Cat and Prim to die or be sold. i'm very fond of my girls. also, Madrigals went really well today. my dress looks amazing.
The bad news.
this morning, just as i stepped into the school, i got a call from Quentin. i couldn't answer it, we were all standing in the same area and i take phone calls away. well, we got into the school and i got a voicemail. so i checked it out.
His dad died this morning.
Mr. Day has had cancer for a while now, and they knew that he wasn't going to last long... but...
poor Quentoni.
and so, as soon as i was done with Madrigals, i got Mom to take me to Quentin's.
he and his family are some of the bravest people i know. i mean, they were obviously, visibly upset, and they cried, but they kept it light hearted and honestly seemed so happy that he was no longer in pain, and that he was in heaven. they missed him, you could tell, but you could also tell that they treasured the time they had spent with him.
it was humbling. they loved him so obviously, and yet they were also ready to let him go to Jesus. Quentin cried and laughed and talked, and i have no doubt that he cared immensely for his father. I am so proud of him.
Bravery isn't the absence of tears, or fear, or pain.
it's looking beyond it, at all the good that came out of a situation, remembering the time you had, putting on a smile when you can and holding your head high.
i'm praying for them.