Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jack's A Moron (But I Still Love Him)

Oh boy, kids.

so, i was downstairs, happily texting Joelle and loading the dishwasher when...
Micah walks in.
holding Jack. (for those of you that don't know, that's one of my Jack Russell Terriers. The other one is Ruffi An. Jack, i know. i wanted to name him Captain, for the record. Dad wanted Jack. we settled for Captain Jack. that was when i was 11, so don't get any ideas about my mega crush on Johnny Depp. which i may or may not have. -shifty eyes- anyway...
that's Jack. yes, i take Christmas pictures of my dogs. ISN'T HE CUTE?!)
so, he walks in holding Jack, and Jackie is BLEEDING FROM THE SIDE.
you have to understand, my dogs are my babies. i take them outside, i play with them, i give them treats, i train them, i wash them, i cuddle them. when i'm sick, they curl up with me and give me kisses and are generally my bestest friends. i love my dogs.
so the fact that Jack was BLEEDING FROM THE SIDE set me a little on edge.
Micah: Jack ran away.
Me: yeah, i knew he ran away, i knew you guys were out looking for him, but what did you DO?!
Micah: Jack got attacked by a Rottweiler.
Micah: either go get a towel or hold him.
Me: -takes dog and cuddles-so i took him into the living room, and Micah brought me a washcloth, so i wiped him off. he had three cuts, one on the top of his butt, on on his lower side, and one right under his eye. so i washed them all of. now, the one under his eye looked fine. the one on his side was bleeding (all over me, thank you very much), but it looked okay, but the one on his butt looked bad... and wasn't bleeding.
so i called my Daddy.
and he was like, "i'm not sure. go bathe him, and be careful, he might bite."
so i took him upstairs and got him in the tub and washed him and soaped him up really good. now, normally, Jack is all over the place when he has to take a bath. (i have to wear a bathing suit.) but he was really quiet and subdued, which worried me. anyway, i toweled him off and took him to Dad, who was like, "Yeah, this one got down into the fatty tissue. so... keep it clean." and i was like, CAN DO!my poor puppy!
poor little guy. i love him bunches.
anyway, he got upset when Daddy was checking him over. and Mom was like,
"It's your own stupid fault, you moron! that Rottweiler was right where he belonged, in his own yard. TAKE NOTE!"
he's an idiot. dumb dog, worries me to death.
here's a picture of Ruffi An, because she's adorable. =]

yes, i take Halloween pictures of my dogs, too. i'm a sick, sick person. BUTTHEY'READORABLE LOOK AT HER SHE'S A LADYBUG! :D