Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dear Mr. Joshua Shank, Sir.

I felt it was a good post title for getting your attention.
So, i totally JUST got your blog comment from, you know, August.
Please know that i was NOT ignoring you. i WILL make excuses, so bear with it. heading to college, moving, Gypsy, i'm sleepy, work, it was the gnomes, and oh, yeah, i haven't been on here in months.
although, i'm sure you already knew that i wasn't ignoring you, since i'm your stalker. ;D
anyway, if you still need Spring, i have it. i need to send the file, though, and it won't upload to this. i'm so technologically illiterate. -sigh-

My frantic search for it included such phrases as "OHMYSTARS, WHY DO I ALWAYS PUT THINGS I WANT TO KEEP SAFE SO I CAN FIND THEM AGAIN IN PLACES I CAN NEVER FIND AGAIN?!" and "Gypsy, i'm so sorry i hit you with a piano stand, i didn't mean to!" and "WHY DO I HAVE A BUNCH OF DISKS THAT ARE NOT LABELED?" and "Where... where did that come from? uhm... Right..." and "I'm never moving again." (which is a total lie.)

to everyone else, i totally just remembered that i had just dyed my hair for this(back when i dyed my hair. it's a normal person color now...)... and it's RED! hehehe. it's like, blond, brunette, blond, blond, OMGRED! and it makes me laugh.

Slim-Fast Shakes Are Actually Pretty Delicious...

as well as easy to throw in my purse when i'm off to work. Shazaam!
hehe. i like the word Shazaam. it's fun to say.
go ahead.
say it.
yeah, don't lie. you enjoyed that.
anywho, i'm at work. of all my jobs, this one is the most... different.
i'm at, uhm... General Devices. i have no idea what they do. except something about manufacturing, i'm assuming, general devices.
but anyway, i'm actually at the corporate offices. the little girl, this grey-eyed cute as a button little girl, has her own nursery thing right by her parents' offices.
it's really cool.
but she takes a two hour nap, or there abouts, so i was like, what to do with my free time...
i started playing solitaire. i hate solitaire.
i didn't use to, but i sure as heck do now.
and then i was like, "Hey... i could blog while i drink my delicious Rich Chocolate Royale shake thing! SHAZAAM!"
i was going to mess around on Facebook, maybe stalk Joelle, but...
Facebook is blocked.
oh well.
(i'm still stalking you, Joelle. i might as well be up front about it.)
Picture texting is awesome. i don't know why i didn't think it was worth it before. IT TOTALLY IS! i can send pictures of stuff RIGHT AWAY! in fact, i'm going to text Tom Rothrock a picture of... MY SLIM-FAST!
after all, he and i were supposed to go have Chinese food today, and we DIDN'T because i'm WORKING. -super. sad. face.-
so instead of delicious Chinese food, i get...
not even a delicious shake can make up for that. i'm sad.
i know what can make me better.
i think i'll make Cole go get Indian food with me.
i LOVE Indian food. it's THE BEST.
hmmm... Indian food and then a hockey game would be a wonderful evening. -memo to self- must make Ray go get Indian food and then go to a hockey game.
Ray gets annoyed if i go get Indian food with Cole.
no, not because he thinks we're doing anything, but rather because he loves Indian food, too, and especially this one dessert (which is SUPER SUPER SWEET) at my favorite restaurant, so it annoys him when he can't go.
last time, i felt bad, so i smuggled him out some of the dessert.
i am evil. :D
can you tell i'm in a talkative mood? i am.
ooh, good news. Gypsy didn't wake me up ONCE last night. it was AWESOME.
she actually slept in the small of my back, and then on the pillow next to my pillow. (I spoil my kitty. she has her own pillow.)
i'm crossing my fingers that Kaitlyn, that's the little girl i'm babysitting, takes a long nap again today. yesterday she took a two and a half hour nap, and it was great. i just chilled. but i forgot my book today. but now that i'm blogging, i'm okay with her sleeping until 2. :D
she slept until 2:30 yesterday, it was crazy. we had to wake her up to give her lunch, which made her not happy.
So, want to hear my latest "I'm an idiot" story?
well, you get no choice. i mean, i guess you could skip over this part, but that would be boring.
so, i'd had a SUPER long day. i was at General Devices from 8:30 until 5:00, and Kaitlyn was feeling sick and screamed at me the whole time. (It's not that she doesn't like me, she really does. she's just sick. she screamed at her momma, too.) anyway, i was exhausted, and then i had to drive 45+ minutes to church. my car overheated, traffic was awful, i was sleepy and feeling whiny, and i still had to stay up and watch Daniel, Rachel, JJ, Ava, Isabelle, Dylan, and Alayna all by myself for Awana, because my mom was sick. none of them can read, by the way, so i had to have them say their verses and then work on some verses, and of course none of them were on the same verse. anyway, i got to Awana, expecting a hard time, and i got out of my car, heard the lock click behind me...
and realized my keys were still in the car.
so i call my mom. i'm like, "Momma, i locked my keys in the car."
Momma: "Don't worry, i'll have Ben bring the extra keys for your car. he hasn't left the house yet."
and i'm like, YAY!
so i go in, and i'm doing Mom's job and my job, and i haven't eaten, and then Ben gets there. he hands me...
my mother's spare keys.
"She said you wanted the spare, since you're taking her car after this." (because of the overheating.)
"and i locked my keys in the car, brother."
"Oh, yeah. i forgot those."
fortunately, as i was freaking out, my boyfriend went and my keys.
i felt like such an idiot.
oh well. :D
Anyway, that was my day. today, i think i'll take a nap. aaaaaaah... nap.... :D
also, i'd be delighted if you texted me pictures. (Except Joelle, who's phone is broken. bummer. i know this because i'm STALKING YOU! just kidding. but no, really. :D)