Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Second Post - This One Has A Purpose!

bear with me, here, kids.
this is a longish story for what i'm trying to say.
I go to Hope Community Church. i love it - my pastor is one of the coolest people i've ever met.
He used to entertain me with a guitar and his inability to sing. (Funny stuff)
Mom is the secretary at Hope, which means that i've spent a considerable amount of time there. and in that time, i've lightsaber dueled with my pastor, pasted a mustache on pictures of my youth pastor (hehehe), spent a good deal of time ninja rolling around the place, and playing with a goat. (Best pastor ever, just saying.)
i meant to move on. anyway, this summer, my best friend's church (Or rather, her mother) was putting on a production of Godspell. (An awesome musical) Suddenly, one of their leads quit. (Fail.) Alison, that's my best friend's mommy, was like, "CALL IN THE RESERVES! WHERE'S CAITIE, SHE COULD DO IT!" and i got a call saying, "Hey. Caitie. This is Jo. can you come over? my mom has a proposition for you." (i checked with mi madre, and she said, "I am not sure i approve of adult women propositioning you, Caitie..." and i laughed.)
so that began my first role in a musical. (I was Robin. i wore purple. It was awesome.)
Anyway, now the youth group of Calvary and i are tight. best buds. all that jazz. even if they are Methodist and i'm a Southern Baptist. Because there is a difference.
(This difference is that i believe there should be food at EVERY occasion. Hungry? bring on the food. Death? food. Birth? food. Long, boring classes? food. someone sneezed? give them food. oh, and i periodically scream "HALLELUJAH PRAISE JESUS!", "HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE!" and i do a great impression of an angry southern baptist preacher. but that's more because i have a good sense of humor about Southern Baptists. By the way, i went through a rebellious stage when i found out that Southern Baptists used to disapprove of cards and dancing. they don't anymore, but that didn't stop me from rebelling by bringing a deck of cards and betting on random Sundays. shhhhh! Oh, and i also learned how to cheat at Go Fish. i won my friend's left shoe a lot. Oh, and Liar's Dice. an awesome game. But anyway, i'm done with this rabbit. sorry.)
All righty. where was i in my REAL story...
right. the Calvary people and i are tight. i go hang out with them a lot.
and then came the ultimate bribe. i can be a part of the rock opera Jesus Christ, Superstar! all i had to do was join their choir, GLORY. i was already comeing to youth group on Sunday nights, so i just showed up an hour or so early and got to hang out with my Calvary friends.
now to the real story, and the purpose, which wasn't supposed to take this long. again, sorry. :D
So i was singing at their church on Saturday night. and their pastor was giving a sermon on Thanksgiving and such. and she said that we should list the things we're thankful for. she said that people who did that were happier and whatnot. i found it quite interesting.
(Yeah, i know, anti-climactic. hehehe.)
the point of this whole, long, rabbit chasing story is that i'm going to tell you what i'm thankful for. in no particular order. from now on, every post will have at least two things i'm thankful for.
so, today! 5 people i'm thankful for. or rather, 7, but cut into 5. in no particular order.
1. My Daddy. he's the best. he's really quiet when he's around other people, and then he leans over and says something to me that makes me die laughing.
2. My Mommy. she's awesome. just saying. (That has nothing to do with the fact that everyone says we act alike... >_>)
3. My brothers. they are... special. just saying. The big one is one of my best friends. and he drags me off to Taco Bell at all hours of the day and night. the little one is spoiled rotten and randomly the sweetest person i know.
4. Joelle. she's my best friend, not because every time we see each other we can pick up where we left off, but because i miss her all the time. when Kristian died, i called Jo, and she skipped out on Godspell pit rehearsal to come hug me and give me lemonade and tell me she was there for me. we went on a last adventure to a Skillet concert. we totally understand each other. and she threatens to kill people for me. i digress again.
5. My grandparents. Papaw and i have an affinity for peanut butter. because it's delicious. so i make peanut butter pie and then go hang out with him. he paints. he's an amazing artist. Mamaw and i loooooooove roller coasters. and tea. she always smells like mint gum. she loves kids. i'm their favorite (and maybe... only...) granddaughter.
there. i'm done. :D

Happy Thanksgiving!

i'm very fond of Thanksgiving. i'm sure i mentioned it... either in this blog or the one i share with Mandi, but i'm sure i mentioned that Thanksgiving is, like, my second favorite holiday. (Or rather, was. now i'm not quite so fond of it, since all my family is down in Kentucky, and i'm up here with Mom, Dad, Ben, and Micah. don't get me wrong, i love my family, but there is something missing when i don't get to run around shooting my plethora of cousins with marshmallow guns. it's a bummer. other than that, i love this holiday.)
So, i woke up this morning and made a souffle. Apple Pancake Souffle, and it was delicious. Dad took Micah hunting, -grumble grumble-, so it was just Mom and i. Ben was sleeping. or something. anyway! then Mom and i cooked. all day. we have a turkey, green bean casserole, two kinds of stuffing, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cobbler, cookies, pumpkin pie, homemade mac and cheese, bread, vegetables, shrimp... yeah, we're eating good. :D
Now, story time. i'm a sucker for my dog. i generally restrain myself, and just slip him treats when he's good, and nothing fancy... but today is Thanksgiving! FOOD ALL AROUND! so far that blasted dog has weaseled out of me:
apple slices
mashed potatoes
green beans
and i took some of the juices from the turkey we cooked and put it on his food.
i think he knows it. but i'm okay with that, because i'm his favorite person in this house. mwuahahaha. Yes, i buy my dog's love.
(Yes. i know i have two dogs. Annie hid all day, because Ben scared her. i gave her apple slices and let her eat some of the turkey juice slathered food, but she hates carrots and green beans. smart dog. Also, i'm already her favorite person, because i don't tackle her and scream "I'M A PREDATOR!" -cough-Ben-cough.)
Dad and Micah came home, no deer. i felt a small sense of happiness. i don't want my little brother to get a deer before me. i'll die of shame.
Ah yes.
my family is coming back early from Kentucky. (Usually, everyone stays until Sunday.) BUT! they're coming back tomorrow. why?
My grandparents' 50th Wedding Anniversary.
I've got a lot of cousins. Jacob is my only real cousin, on my Dad's side, and therefore automatically my favorite.
On a side note about Jacob, we grew up together. And he's a super Civil War buff. so, when we'd be running around at my grandparents' house (which is out in the middle of a bunch of cornfields, aaaaall alone. :D) we'd play Civil War. usually we were on the same team, but occasionally i'd be the North and he'd be the South and we'd throw rocks at each other and make exploding noises. best. childhood. ever.
Anyway, all my food is done. Mwuahahaha. i feel pretty awesome. so, Happy Thanksgiving!
