Thursday, April 22, 2010

Health Is Pointless, Blog Instead!

Health seems like a fairly pointless class to me.
Shocker, i know.
Maybe it's because i'm a senior. (i doubt it.)
All it is is... [is that grammatically correct? do you stuff a comma in there? all it is, is? looks better. but i don't think so.] All it is is a bunch of busy work. seriously. we're talking about a smoke free environment. i don't smoke. (cigarette smoke makes me cough, i would never touch one because of that. no point in giving myself an asthma attack.) but whatever. Okay, so, we have a sub today. Our assignment is to read six pages and do... -counts- twenty-six questions. not even good questions. ugh. i could pass these tests without reading the book, by the way. (i've gotten more than one A+ on a test where i had not read the required material. the questions are that dumb and obvious. not doing well in this class means you either REALLY don't care, or have little to no common sense.)

But health is boring, let's not talk about it any more. Let's see... Interesting things today...
Mommy is grumping about my taking Herbert. she says i don't have any room. all of my shelves are taken up by books, it's true. my room is flooded with books. and the rest of my books are out in the hallway. i hate them being out there, i love my books, and Micah takes them and folds the corners and ruins their covers and... don't judge. Anyway. all my Harry Potter books are on one shelf of my desk, but they don't technically need to be there, i guess i can move them. that's just where they ended up when i was painting.
Speaking of painting... i'm a terrible painter. but i like it a lot. it's calming. so i paint.
My desk is coming along nicely. see, it was that fake wood stuff, with a black top. two levels. and i got tired of it. my desk works for me, you see, but it's not going anywhere after me. (it's a little broken in parts. don't worry, i rigged it.) so i painted it. it's too hard to explain, i've done so much to it. so i'll just tell you about my favorite part (so far).
i took one of my shelves and painted it blue. then, in red and yellow and orange, i painted flames all around the sides, so that there was a wide open blue space in the middle. and then, i took the lightest grey i had, mixed in a little more white so that it was very, very light, and painted charter marks all over it.
like in Abhorsen, at the end. when she looks up into the sky, past the last gate...
it turned out well, i like it lots. Joelle was really proud.
i have a tribute to my book, Confession of Pain, on the top, next to my CD player. by the way, i'm working on a sequel to that. it's still in the works... Joelle's already mad about it. i'm killing one of her favorite characters. (i have a problem. i can't let my children be happy for too long... and for what i want to happen, one of my characters has to die. bummer. i'll probably cry.)
anyway, i'm working on my dresser, now, just until i decide what i want to do next on my desk.
i'm going to put this quote on it (my dresser, that is).

The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. ~Mark Twain

it made me laugh when i read it.
so i'm putting it on my dresser. i've painted the drawers, they look good. colorful. so now it's the doors, but i don't think i'll do the top or the sides. i'm just not sure yet. i love painting. :D

Also, the kids that i work with on Wednesdays were upset that i wasn't at church last night. which made me kinda happy, since i completely adore them.
So, soccer season started. (My mother is the coordinator for our church soccer league. it's so great, i love it. i coach four and five year olds, and they're so cute.)
anyway, Saturday, at the game, i grabbed my box and headed outside to my field. (I have a big plastic box thing that i keep extra balls and cones and my clipboard in. i take it out so the kids have someplace to sit. hehe.) anyway, i have... -thinks- just two? just two church kids on my team. (and a set of identical twins. but i think i've got them, i called them by their correct names all Saturday, didn't mix them up once.) anyway. one of the church kids, Lorelei, is my assistant coach's daughter. the other one is Max, and he's KJ's son. (KJ is my friend. we're pals. her daughter is Macie, i'm positive i've told you how cute she is.) anyway, i adore Max, he's adorable. but i got out to the field and started warming my kids up, playing keep away and such, and Max gets there and runs up to me and hands me two tulips, and gives me a big hug. awwwwwwwwwwwwww. it made my day. :D he's just too darn cute. then i went home, mowed, and then i went to see Hello, Dolly! (love. it was awesome) anyway, i'll probably have lots of soccer stories in the near future.