Friday, December 4, 2009

Sleeping Habits

i sleeptalk. a lot. i mean, i already talk enough on average, i guess my brain feels like slowing down would let people catch up or something. i rarely make a whole lot of sense, because it's generally a conversation. and you only get to hear half of it.
Seriously. i've woken Clara and Danielle up so many times. it's ridiculous. Clara always tries to remember what i was talking about so that she can tell me the next morning. Danielle doesn't. more on why later.
But it's not just talking. i also cry.
Danielle and i think it might be bad dreams or something, but i never remember them when i wake up.
but my crying wakes people up, too. and that makes for some hilarious stories.
Once, when i was little, i woke my cousin Lissa up. i was sobbing, and she asked me what was wrong, and i told her that i wanted my mommy (even in sleep, i knew my daddy was working apparently. little me was so smart.). so she got up, stepped over me (i was sleeping on the floor), and tip-toed into my mother's room.
Now, my cousin is older than me. a lot. and therefore, was taller than me and my big brother at the time. so she snuck into my parents' room, walked over to the bed, and whispered, "Carol? Carol?"
my mom opened her eyes and saw this tall person standing over her, and screamed. Lissa screamed. then Mom realized who it was, and they both started laughing nervously. then, Mom was like, "Lissa, what do you want?"
"Caitie is crying, and she wants you."
so they went back into my room to find me peacefully curled up in a little ball on the floor, fast asleep. Mom was like, "I thought you said she was crying," to which my cousin pitifully replied, "She was!"
i honestly doubt my mom believed her. that is, until she walked in and found me discussing a plan with an unknown person in my sleep. now she's a believer.
another good example.
Danielle was sleeping at my house, and had somehow managed to convince me that it would be a good idea for us to sleep head to foot on my bed. mainly because my floor is pretty uncomfortable. so we fell asleep.
halfway through the night, i woke up, wondering why my face hurt. i lifted my hand to my face and realized i had been crying in my sleep. so my face was covered in tears, and my nose hurt. so i whispered, "Danielle? What just happened?"
Danielle is the sweetest person you will ever meet. i promise you. she's kinda blonde, but she's such a sweetheart and never says anything mean. except, apparently, when she is awoken in the middle of the night. because my sweet, sweet Danielle half sat up and growled, "Shut up. Stop crying or i'll kick you again." then she rolled over and fell fast asleep.
which naturally has turned into a joke. now, if i'm upset and i start crying, all one of us has to do is ask if Danielle is going to kick me in the face, and it makes me feel better.
by the way.
i showed Mandi my blog, and she started complaining about my sleeping habits. in her words, "She puts her nasty cold feet on me, and she hogs the bed, and she talks, and once she asked me to go turn off the lights and they were already off!"
She also says that i'm never going to get married, because i'm a bed hog, and my feet are like little ice boxes. which is true. :D the bed hog/nasty cold feet part.