Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wow, Long Time No See...

hi guys. i'd like to begin this post by laying blame. there's a darn good reason as to why i've been mysteriously absent. (oh the horror!)
First, i'd like to blame Jesus Christ Superstar. it went so well, guys. really. i was so proud. for those of you that saw it, or were in it, you know what i'm talking about, yo. due to my costume, our poor mic guy had a hard time finding a place for my mic and, more importantly, a place that didn't make weird noises every time i moved. (i have hips, ladies and gentleman, and unfortunately they hit my mic antenna, which was suspended upside down from my waist.) but David, who is the techie god of Brownsburg, no lies, managed to fix it, and the last night i had absolutely no static! (night two i had static every time i moved for the entire first act. David was really, really upset, poor guy, but there was nothing he could have done. and he fixed the whole thing, proving once and for all that he is the coolest guy i know.) on the last day, one of the Roman guards stepped on my skirt and then pushed me away from Jesus during the flogging scene. Unfortunate. my skirt slid down, but i was wearing a slip and, fortunately, a shawl, which i immediately wrapped around my body. i don't think people really noticed. Joey didn't mean to or anything, it just happened. Joey, by the way, was freaking amazing. he scared the crap out of me the whole time he was a soldier. it was all epic glares and slightly sadistic things, and i was frightened. (he shoved me. i was scared. he's amazing. =]) anyway, if you didn't see it, you're a big loser, sucks to be you. just teasing. i still love you. but it is a bummer, because we were amazing. (i miss everyone. D:)
secondly, i'd like to blame Kansas. no, not the band, the state. my best friend in the whole wide world, that's Joelle for those of you who missed it, she invited me to go with her and her mommy to see her aunt Jodi in St. George, that's right outside Manhattan, Kansas, and then to Wichita to see her cousin, Jodi's daughter, and then to Tulsa, Oklahoma to see Alison's other sister. it was super fun! lots of driving. they drove back, a ten hour trip, in one day so that i could see my family on my birthday. they're really, really amazing, huh? it was so nice of them. we went out to eat and played with adorable children, and i had so much fun. i love them. although... this conversation happened. Joelle doesn't remember it at all. now, keep in mind that she is THE LEAST racist person i have ever met. that's why this is hilarious. we were almost asleep, and she was like...
Jo: Taitie...
Me: Yeah, Dodo?
Jo: Taitie, don't ever get an afro.
Me: Uhm... kay... i can do that.
Jo: But i'd still love you if you were black. -rolls over-
Me: Good to know, Jo.
Jo: -rolls back over, intensely serious look- but not if you were Asian.
Me: O_O
i laughed. a lot. a whole lot. and then i told everyone.
(Side note. she calls me Taitie and i call her Dodo because that's what small children call us. small children like to ignore the C in my name, and Joelle made the unfortunate mistake of telling children they can call her Jojo. oh boy. but Joelle and Caitlin are hard to say, so i understand why.)

lastly, i would like to blame my apartment. Yes, my apartment. I'M MOVING OUT, GUYS! Paige Marie and i are getting a cat, moving into an apartment near Marion College, and spending our first year at college, at least, in a cute little two bedroom townhouse. with a cat. YAY CAT! i've never had a cat, guys! anyway, i've been ignoring my computer in favor of packing. unless i'm playing Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge or watching Bones with Ray. or Buffy. i'm recently on a Buffy kick. (love Angel.)

so yeah. that's about caught up. i got a car. a cute little purple '01 PT Cruiser (Limited Edition!) it's great. that was my birthday present. then Joelle gave me fake flowers that match the colors Paige and i chose for our living room, and fake flowers that match my room colors. i got a pillow that says "Someone At Purdue Loves Me" from David. it's going on my bed. =] and flowers from my wonderful boyfriend. (And chocolate!) he's pretty awesome. =] and then, today, with my birthday money from my grandparents, i bought books. (YAY BOOKS!) and Slumdog Millionaire. super exciting. going to the movies today, pretty pumped to see Despicable Me. yay! later, gators! gotta go find food.