Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday, And All It Entails

Black Friday is kind of a tradition in our family. usually, all my extensive collection of aunts, uncles, cousins, step-cousins, second cousins, 1.5 cousins, etc. get up at a ridiculous hour and go shopping in Bowling Green, Kentucky. (Because we usually go down there for Thanksgiving.) i steal Jacob and make him walk around with me, and then at the end of the day the few of us left stumble home to Aunt Dee's and eat pizza.
but, let me remind you, dear reader.
i'm not in Kentucky.
so Mother and i were like, "LET'S NOT LET THE BLACK FRIDAY TRADITION DIE!"
so we slept until 8:30, an ungodly late time on Black Friday, rolled out of bed, ate, played with our hair, and then left our house at 11:00. (i know, right?)
this is proof i love my mother for a couple of reasons.
1) i am not a huge fan of shopping. i mean, it's not that i HATE it, but i don't LOVE it, either. i tolerate it. shopping all day without playing war in clothes racks just doesn't have the same ring to it.
2) i dislike crowds. not, like, HATE crowds, but they make me uncomfortable and i tend to avoid them. (Or try to. have you seen our school hallways? by the way, fun fact about me. M is my favorite hallway. because it smells like chlorine and it's huge, so it doesn't feel like there are lots of people there.)
3) i'm a sucker for people. more about that later. but i try to avoid malls, because i always get roped into buying stuff i don't need. but that's a story for later.
so, anyway. we went to Red Lobster, which i love. i drink a lot of Boston Iced Tea when i'm there, because it's my favorite iced tea and i don't get it anywhere else. i love it. so ridiculously much. but, after we ate, we began our shopping adventure!
Barnes and Noble.
and we discovered, to our delight, that Richard Castle is indeed an author. (not a real one, mind you, but it's his Nikki Heat books. you'll only get that if you watch Castle, a great tv show.)
so we bought Heat Wave, and i'm reading it, now. (Also, Mom bought me The Cases That Haunt Us by John Douglas. it's my favorite book by him, and i have it pretty much permenantly checked out at the library. but now, come Christmas, i'll own it. mwuahaha.)
okay, then we went to the mall.
and here's my confession.
i'm a sucker for people, okay? but not just any people. people with accents. so the guys that run the Dead Sea booth that you see? yeah, can't resist them. dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin... dark eyes... and those adorable accents, i'd honestly buy the lot if they asked me to. i know, i know, i'm ridiculous, but honestly, no one would have to mug me, they should just ask me in a cute accent. i'd be like, "Oh, you want my money?" -bestows upon would be mugger-
okay, not that bad, but seriously. Anyway, this guy named Kfir sold me some nail stuff that i may or may not use. but it didn't matter, because i thought he was adorable.
(let me get something straight here and now. this "i think he's adorable" isn't a, I WANT TO MARRY HIM!, it's kind of the same feeling i get when my puppy looks at me with those big brown eyes of his and silently requests my dinner. like, "You're the cutest thing since sliced bread and i'd give you anything if it made you smile. :D" Just so you know.)
anyway, that was pretty much my day in a nutshell. i shopped.
oh, and Mom and i walked by a New Moon section in FYE, and i about died. turns out, i'm allergic to bad literature. :D
i still have to go see that blasted movie. i plan on going as a character from good literature, even if i just dress up as a Black Jacket from Inkheart. (I'd be Basta and wear a yellow scarf. just so you know.)
anyway. i'm ridiculously worn out for 8:15. walking around all day, being surrounded by bad literature emblems, can really take it out of a person.
oh, by the way. i rode the escalator today!
thaaaaat was interesting.
i was in Dick's Sporting Goods, and Mom was like, "WE MUST GO TO THE SECOND FLOOR!" and i was like, "oh... boy..."
so i hopped on the escalator and promptly almost fell.
remind me to dislike escalators in the near future.
oh, and i'm not going to finish my NaNo. totally not, not in time for the 1st.
but, see, here's the thing.
i already know i can do it. and i think the joy of NaNo was that i wanted to see if i could accomplish it.
and i can, and i'm done. well... therefore, i'm done. i don't know.
i'm competative by nature, and that was the joy of it. so instead, i'm just going to take my sweet time working on my story.
(Because i still love it.)

Until later!
