Monday, November 30, 2009

On The First Day, There Was Mystery

Keys to the Kingdom is an amazing book series by Garth Nix. he's amazing. and on the back of... Thursday! on Thursday, it says, "On the first day, there was Mystery. On the second day, there was Darkness. On the third day, there were Pirates. On the fourth day, there was War." awesome. :D
so anyway.
someone should put on the rock opera Hazards of Love.
coolest album on the face of the earth.
i keep trying to visualize it in my head, and i think if a couple brilliant people but their heads together with the ever amazing Colin Meloy, then we'd have an amazing rock opera on our hands.
the story starts with Margaret, who goes riding. she gets up on the Taiga, (A place that sounds remarkably like 'tiger' when sung) and finds this fawn. and she's like, awwww, super sad face, it's hurt. so she goes to help it.
dun dun duuuuuuun.
and the fawn turns out to be a man who is under a spell where he takes the form of a fawn by day. (His name is William)
and they fall in love.
so, then, Margaret goes home, but she's pregnant. so, after a while, she finally goes back to find William, because she loves him and wants to be with him and have a family and all that jazz. so she finds him, and they cuddle and sing about how excited they are that they are going to be parents.
enter the Queen.
she's William's mother... sort of. she adopted him. and so she walks up and he's cuddling with this random pregnant woman. (Don't worry, Margaret is asleep.)
so she flips out a little, like any good overprotective, crazy, villainous mother.
(good job.)
and William is like, "I love her, let me have this night with her and don't hurt her or anything, and we'll call it even. you stole my life from me by making me stay here, let me have it back for just a little while." and the Queen sings this AMAZING solo.
you come back from the interlude to an incredibly creepy song, courtesy of our REAL villain, the Rake. (It's called the Rake's Song. how original, right?)
he got married, had some kids, and then when his wife died he killed his three children so he wouldn't be tied down.
what a jerk, right? but an awesome song.
well, he walks by and sees Margaret and William and, being a rake, decides to kidnap her!
holy smokes.
so he grabs her, flings her across his horse's withers, and rides away with her. and then he gets to the river. which is huge and deep and the narrator tells us that he can't cross it.
enter the Queen. she's like, hey, she was distracting my son and you are going to go defile her. good job. thanks. here, lemme fly you across the river.
and the Rake is like, "Great!"
enter William's theme! it starts playing, which means William wakes up, realizes she's gone, and sets off to find her. he gets to the river, and he can hear her screaming across it. calling his name. how sweet.
so he sings one of my favorite songs of the album. Annan Water. he tells the river that if it will stop, and let him cross, he will commit suicide by jumping into the river after he has saved Margaret.
he's so cool.
so the river lets him across.
we get to hear the Rake tell Margaret that he's going to kill her and dump her body. she calls for William, and the Rake tells her not to bother.
but, of course, William shows up. and so do the Rake's dead children. and they kill him. and then William finds Margaret, but she's been beaten and tortured and possibly raped, and the baby died. so William sings, really sweetly, about the baby, and the Margaret and William get married with the waves as their witness... ie, they both kill themselves so they can be together with their child forever.
go, my minion, and listen to it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Apologies, Dear, For All My Mistakes, And I'm Sure To Make More

i like song lyric titles, by the way.
i'm in a melancholy (<- hehe, fun word.) mood, and i was trying to distract myself.
but i have a question for you to ponder.
it's on the subject of apologies.
okay, so, let's say you've done something, and you highly doubt the other person will accept your apology. that person has even told you they don't really want to see you for a while.
so here's the question.
do you apologize?
Even if you doubt if it will work, do you still suck it up and apologize?
i say yes.
i say that an apology will go a long way towards recovery. even if you don't think it will do any good, and even if it doesn't do any good right away, nothing can be healed without an apology.
but i guess apologies are different to me than to other people.
there are different apology languages, and, in my mind, a proper apology is to say sorry and then try and make it right.
apology is the only way things can begin to be fixed.
Just thought i'd share.

what do you think?

I Love You (And Sharpie Hearts)

have you ever seen that play... oh, the high school put it on a while ago... The Curious Savage! in it, Mrs. Savage says that "i love you" can be said in a bunch of different ways, like, "Take an umbrella, it's raining" and such.
today was my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. super cool. i had fun, i love them so much. but, while i was there, i was thinking about the different ways my family says i love you.
Jakey says things like, "ugh, don't touch me!", which doesn't sound like "i love you", but is. or he comes up and hugs me, and i say, "I'm fond of you," and he says, "you're all right."
that's i love you.
i was sitting in a chair, and i draw a sharpie heart, a little black one, on the inside of my left wrist. i don't know why, i'm just cool like that. and he laughed at me, so i tried to draw one on his arm. which turned into a war. mwuahahahaha.
but that's i love you.
my soon to be cousin, that's my cousin Lissa's fiancee, he tells me i'm dumb and messes up my hair and i punch him in the ribs and call him an idiot.
but that's i love you.
one of my uncles, my great-uncle, to be precise, my grandfather's sister's husband, has not ever, not once, told me he loves me. not in so many words. but when i see him, we growl at each other. literally. like, "Grrrrrr" and wave our hands around and make mean faces. i call him an old codger and he calls me a klutz, and that's i love you.
when he was leaving, i gave him a big hug and then growled at him, and he growled back.
and that's i love you.
my Papaw says i love you, but he also gets excited when i make him peanut butter pie and offer to bring it over to him. our being able to sit together and eat pie and drink coffee, that's i love you. he calls me Squirt and tells me i'm his favorite granddaughter, because i'm his only granddaughter, but he leaves that part out, and i tell him he's my favorite grandfather, because it's true.
that's i love you.
i always wonder how people can be upset and say no one loves them. but sometimes, maybe it's that they aren't hearing it. to some people, some of the things i do to say "I love you" aren't normal. growling at people, throwing rocks at people, punching people... i mean, none of those sound like love, but they are.
ooh, another good example. my best friend and i have this saying. when we're teasing each other, one of us, let's pick me in this situation, "Joelle's fat!", to which Joelle would respond "Caitie's ugly!" and then we both scream, simply because she's not there often enough (super sad face, i love her) "DANIELLE'S STUPID!"
not because i really think Jo is fat, or that she thinks i'm ugly, or that either of us thinks Danielle is stupid... well... no, really, i think she's pretty smart. but it's because that's how we say i love you. (We only say that when, like, we aren't going to see each other for a long time, or if one or both of us is upset.)
but, the point is, i love you is sometimes hard to hear. and i think, when we're feeling sorry for ourselves, sometimes we pointedly don't hear it.
well, that's my thought for today. here are a few things i'm thankful for.
1) Jack. he's a great dog. we're friends. we watch movies and listen to music and such. but he's a good pillow when i'm sick or tired or upset.
2) Johnny Depp. yes, i know that's odd, but gosh darn, i love his movies. Chocolat? love. Benny and Joon? adorable. Secret Window? awesome. From Hell? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
3) Booker. he's my teddy bear. i'm very fond of him.
4) Cornelia Funke. Awesome. books. 'nuff said.
5) Joshua Shank. now, there's some amazing music. the first time i heard Autumn? i cried. the first time i heard Gabriel's Message, i cried, the first time i heard David's Lamentation, i cried... and i still get a little misty eyed at that one. but that's because it makes me think of Kristian.
6) the last is the best. Danielle. so, today, this guy made me upset, really upset, and i called her. and she made me feel all better. and then we talked about my story for an hour. she's the best. :D

until next time,

Lafaera. <3

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday, And All It Entails

Black Friday is kind of a tradition in our family. usually, all my extensive collection of aunts, uncles, cousins, step-cousins, second cousins, 1.5 cousins, etc. get up at a ridiculous hour and go shopping in Bowling Green, Kentucky. (Because we usually go down there for Thanksgiving.) i steal Jacob and make him walk around with me, and then at the end of the day the few of us left stumble home to Aunt Dee's and eat pizza.
but, let me remind you, dear reader.
i'm not in Kentucky.
so Mother and i were like, "LET'S NOT LET THE BLACK FRIDAY TRADITION DIE!"
so we slept until 8:30, an ungodly late time on Black Friday, rolled out of bed, ate, played with our hair, and then left our house at 11:00. (i know, right?)
this is proof i love my mother for a couple of reasons.
1) i am not a huge fan of shopping. i mean, it's not that i HATE it, but i don't LOVE it, either. i tolerate it. shopping all day without playing war in clothes racks just doesn't have the same ring to it.
2) i dislike crowds. not, like, HATE crowds, but they make me uncomfortable and i tend to avoid them. (Or try to. have you seen our school hallways? by the way, fun fact about me. M is my favorite hallway. because it smells like chlorine and it's huge, so it doesn't feel like there are lots of people there.)
3) i'm a sucker for people. more about that later. but i try to avoid malls, because i always get roped into buying stuff i don't need. but that's a story for later.
so, anyway. we went to Red Lobster, which i love. i drink a lot of Boston Iced Tea when i'm there, because it's my favorite iced tea and i don't get it anywhere else. i love it. so ridiculously much. but, after we ate, we began our shopping adventure!
Barnes and Noble.
and we discovered, to our delight, that Richard Castle is indeed an author. (not a real one, mind you, but it's his Nikki Heat books. you'll only get that if you watch Castle, a great tv show.)
so we bought Heat Wave, and i'm reading it, now. (Also, Mom bought me The Cases That Haunt Us by John Douglas. it's my favorite book by him, and i have it pretty much permenantly checked out at the library. but now, come Christmas, i'll own it. mwuahaha.)
okay, then we went to the mall.
and here's my confession.
i'm a sucker for people, okay? but not just any people. people with accents. so the guys that run the Dead Sea booth that you see? yeah, can't resist them. dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin... dark eyes... and those adorable accents, i'd honestly buy the lot if they asked me to. i know, i know, i'm ridiculous, but honestly, no one would have to mug me, they should just ask me in a cute accent. i'd be like, "Oh, you want my money?" -bestows upon would be mugger-
okay, not that bad, but seriously. Anyway, this guy named Kfir sold me some nail stuff that i may or may not use. but it didn't matter, because i thought he was adorable.
(let me get something straight here and now. this "i think he's adorable" isn't a, I WANT TO MARRY HIM!, it's kind of the same feeling i get when my puppy looks at me with those big brown eyes of his and silently requests my dinner. like, "You're the cutest thing since sliced bread and i'd give you anything if it made you smile. :D" Just so you know.)
anyway, that was pretty much my day in a nutshell. i shopped.
oh, and Mom and i walked by a New Moon section in FYE, and i about died. turns out, i'm allergic to bad literature. :D
i still have to go see that blasted movie. i plan on going as a character from good literature, even if i just dress up as a Black Jacket from Inkheart. (I'd be Basta and wear a yellow scarf. just so you know.)
anyway. i'm ridiculously worn out for 8:15. walking around all day, being surrounded by bad literature emblems, can really take it out of a person.
oh, by the way. i rode the escalator today!
thaaaaat was interesting.
i was in Dick's Sporting Goods, and Mom was like, "WE MUST GO TO THE SECOND FLOOR!" and i was like, "oh... boy..."
so i hopped on the escalator and promptly almost fell.
remind me to dislike escalators in the near future.
oh, and i'm not going to finish my NaNo. totally not, not in time for the 1st.
but, see, here's the thing.
i already know i can do it. and i think the joy of NaNo was that i wanted to see if i could accomplish it.
and i can, and i'm done. well... therefore, i'm done. i don't know.
i'm competative by nature, and that was the joy of it. so instead, i'm just going to take my sweet time working on my story.
(Because i still love it.)

Until later!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Second Post - This One Has A Purpose!

bear with me, here, kids.
this is a longish story for what i'm trying to say.
I go to Hope Community Church. i love it - my pastor is one of the coolest people i've ever met.
He used to entertain me with a guitar and his inability to sing. (Funny stuff)
Mom is the secretary at Hope, which means that i've spent a considerable amount of time there. and in that time, i've lightsaber dueled with my pastor, pasted a mustache on pictures of my youth pastor (hehehe), spent a good deal of time ninja rolling around the place, and playing with a goat. (Best pastor ever, just saying.)
i meant to move on. anyway, this summer, my best friend's church (Or rather, her mother) was putting on a production of Godspell. (An awesome musical) Suddenly, one of their leads quit. (Fail.) Alison, that's my best friend's mommy, was like, "CALL IN THE RESERVES! WHERE'S CAITIE, SHE COULD DO IT!" and i got a call saying, "Hey. Caitie. This is Jo. can you come over? my mom has a proposition for you." (i checked with mi madre, and she said, "I am not sure i approve of adult women propositioning you, Caitie..." and i laughed.)
so that began my first role in a musical. (I was Robin. i wore purple. It was awesome.)
Anyway, now the youth group of Calvary and i are tight. best buds. all that jazz. even if they are Methodist and i'm a Southern Baptist. Because there is a difference.
(This difference is that i believe there should be food at EVERY occasion. Hungry? bring on the food. Death? food. Birth? food. Long, boring classes? food. someone sneezed? give them food. oh, and i periodically scream "HALLELUJAH PRAISE JESUS!", "HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE!" and i do a great impression of an angry southern baptist preacher. but that's more because i have a good sense of humor about Southern Baptists. By the way, i went through a rebellious stage when i found out that Southern Baptists used to disapprove of cards and dancing. they don't anymore, but that didn't stop me from rebelling by bringing a deck of cards and betting on random Sundays. shhhhh! Oh, and i also learned how to cheat at Go Fish. i won my friend's left shoe a lot. Oh, and Liar's Dice. an awesome game. But anyway, i'm done with this rabbit. sorry.)
All righty. where was i in my REAL story...
right. the Calvary people and i are tight. i go hang out with them a lot.
and then came the ultimate bribe. i can be a part of the rock opera Jesus Christ, Superstar! all i had to do was join their choir, GLORY. i was already comeing to youth group on Sunday nights, so i just showed up an hour or so early and got to hang out with my Calvary friends.
now to the real story, and the purpose, which wasn't supposed to take this long. again, sorry. :D
So i was singing at their church on Saturday night. and their pastor was giving a sermon on Thanksgiving and such. and she said that we should list the things we're thankful for. she said that people who did that were happier and whatnot. i found it quite interesting.
(Yeah, i know, anti-climactic. hehehe.)
the point of this whole, long, rabbit chasing story is that i'm going to tell you what i'm thankful for. in no particular order. from now on, every post will have at least two things i'm thankful for.
so, today! 5 people i'm thankful for. or rather, 7, but cut into 5. in no particular order.
1. My Daddy. he's the best. he's really quiet when he's around other people, and then he leans over and says something to me that makes me die laughing.
2. My Mommy. she's awesome. just saying. (That has nothing to do with the fact that everyone says we act alike... >_>)
3. My brothers. they are... special. just saying. The big one is one of my best friends. and he drags me off to Taco Bell at all hours of the day and night. the little one is spoiled rotten and randomly the sweetest person i know.
4. Joelle. she's my best friend, not because every time we see each other we can pick up where we left off, but because i miss her all the time. when Kristian died, i called Jo, and she skipped out on Godspell pit rehearsal to come hug me and give me lemonade and tell me she was there for me. we went on a last adventure to a Skillet concert. we totally understand each other. and she threatens to kill people for me. i digress again.
5. My grandparents. Papaw and i have an affinity for peanut butter. because it's delicious. so i make peanut butter pie and then go hang out with him. he paints. he's an amazing artist. Mamaw and i loooooooove roller coasters. and tea. she always smells like mint gum. she loves kids. i'm their favorite (and maybe... only...) granddaughter.
there. i'm done. :D

Happy Thanksgiving!

i'm very fond of Thanksgiving. i'm sure i mentioned it... either in this blog or the one i share with Mandi, but i'm sure i mentioned that Thanksgiving is, like, my second favorite holiday. (Or rather, was. now i'm not quite so fond of it, since all my family is down in Kentucky, and i'm up here with Mom, Dad, Ben, and Micah. don't get me wrong, i love my family, but there is something missing when i don't get to run around shooting my plethora of cousins with marshmallow guns. it's a bummer. other than that, i love this holiday.)
So, i woke up this morning and made a souffle. Apple Pancake Souffle, and it was delicious. Dad took Micah hunting, -grumble grumble-, so it was just Mom and i. Ben was sleeping. or something. anyway! then Mom and i cooked. all day. we have a turkey, green bean casserole, two kinds of stuffing, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cobbler, cookies, pumpkin pie, homemade mac and cheese, bread, vegetables, shrimp... yeah, we're eating good. :D
Now, story time. i'm a sucker for my dog. i generally restrain myself, and just slip him treats when he's good, and nothing fancy... but today is Thanksgiving! FOOD ALL AROUND! so far that blasted dog has weaseled out of me:
apple slices
mashed potatoes
green beans
and i took some of the juices from the turkey we cooked and put it on his food.
i think he knows it. but i'm okay with that, because i'm his favorite person in this house. mwuahahaha. Yes, i buy my dog's love.
(Yes. i know i have two dogs. Annie hid all day, because Ben scared her. i gave her apple slices and let her eat some of the turkey juice slathered food, but she hates carrots and green beans. smart dog. Also, i'm already her favorite person, because i don't tackle her and scream "I'M A PREDATOR!" -cough-Ben-cough.)
Dad and Micah came home, no deer. i felt a small sense of happiness. i don't want my little brother to get a deer before me. i'll die of shame.
Ah yes.
my family is coming back early from Kentucky. (Usually, everyone stays until Sunday.) BUT! they're coming back tomorrow. why?
My grandparents' 50th Wedding Anniversary.
I've got a lot of cousins. Jacob is my only real cousin, on my Dad's side, and therefore automatically my favorite.
On a side note about Jacob, we grew up together. And he's a super Civil War buff. so, when we'd be running around at my grandparents' house (which is out in the middle of a bunch of cornfields, aaaaall alone. :D) we'd play Civil War. usually we were on the same team, but occasionally i'd be the North and he'd be the South and we'd throw rocks at each other and make exploding noises. best. childhood. ever.
Anyway, all my food is done. Mwuahahaha. i feel pretty awesome. so, Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yeah, I Use My Webcam As A Mirror To Fix My Hair. What About It?

my hair is very super curly. not like, corkscrew curls or anything. think Hermione, but a liiiiiittle less bushy. just a little bit. So, naturally, when i want to put it up, parts of it fall down and then it looks funny.
Solution. Found.
i have a webcam on my school laptop. beastmode, i daresay, and because of that, i can fix my hair via webcam. Hallelujah, Praise be to Jesus.
Oh, and speaking of Hermione, a while back we had a nerd day at our school. being the Harry Potter nerd that i am, i immediately threw together a Hermione outfit. (Goodwill, God bless you.) Anyway, in the midst of my running around finding stuff, i chanced upon a Gryffindor scarf. yessireebob, a Gryffindor scarf. once again, praise Jesus!
i immediately bought it. (It cost more than all the rest of my outfit, from my sweater vest to my tie to my mary janes, but i don't care.) and then i dressed up as Hermione and was pretty much the coolest thing since sliced bread, thank you very much. (Except for Batman. Batman is and always was the coolest thing since sliced bread.)
So, yesterday, i had a Master Class with my voice teacher, and we talked about good vocal hygiene. Tim, my voice teacher, told me that we should all start wearing scarves in the cold weather, to keep our voices warm and such. not damage our vocal chords as much.
i took that as an excellent reason to wear my Gryffindor scarf.
so now i'm parading around school in a Gryffindor scarf, and everyone is jealous. Zennon, Mandi, Lizzie, Ashley, Katie... all jealous. why? because Harry Potter is a great, grand book series. :D

Your faithful book nerd,

P.S. i want a robe. like, one of the school robes from Hogwarts. de.sire.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ouran High School Host Club

Awesome show. like, totally awesome. i love Hikaru Hitachiin with all my heart, soul, and body. he and i would get married. Kaoru and i would be friends, of course, but Hikaru and i would be the best couple since the dawn of time.
(You know, when God was like, "Hey, Jesus. Hey... Hey... -pokes- Let's make some people in our own image, get them to multiply -raises eyebrows suggestively- and then teach them a bunch of different languages, split them up, and see how it goes. doesn't that sound like fun?" and Jesus was like, "I have a sense of foreboding... like, because of this, i'm going to get hurt or something... weird, huh?" and God was like, "Funny... i feel the same way..." and they stood around talking about this feeling until The Holy Spirit pointed out they're the same person, and maybe when they made these people, only have of them should stand around talking about their emotions or no work would get done. hence men.)
THE POINT IS! that i love Ouran High School Host Club. and Mandi and i hate people who blog about their problems. (i mean, like seriously? oh, my little emo bloggers, you piss me off.) Honestly, who wants to read about your crappy day? about how much you hate so and so? and, God forbid (which i'm totally convinced he does), how no one ever pays any attention to you. all in your bad spelling and fail sentences that would make even the most hardened editor weep. (Yes, i'm speaking to you, but in a loving, Jesus kind of way. i just have to point out that if you can't spell a word, i recommend you a) look it up or b) don't use it!)
Anyway. While we were talking about bloggers, we noted the fact that humorous blogs are the exception. if it's funny, rant about it online so that all of your friends can giggle, and you won't ever forget it.
This led to a decision. WE CREATED A BLOG TOGETHER! dun dun duuuuuuuun.
We're using Ouran names, i'm Kaoru and Mandi is Tamaki. super. happy. face.
and now i'm going to go befriend my own blog. woot woot! i hope i find it humorous in the future. :D

until later,

Lafaera, (the future Mrs. Hikaru Hitachiin <3)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's that time of year again.
National Novel Writing Month.
I should probably get started, but without the added pressure...
see, last year i wrote my book, that'd be Purus, in 15 days. (Go me.)
I forgot it was November, Clara told me i should go ahead and start, even if i was late.
well, i should probably start working on that.
i'm writing a sort of modern version of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. i plan on accomplishing this through Coca-Cola, Oh, Henry! bars, and lots of ibuprofen.
i'll try to remember to bathe, but no promises, kids. :D